Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, the Sneeze Guard concept has become widely known around the world as a form of protective equipment that shields from airborne contaminants and viruses to ensure safety. Sneeze and coughs travel several feet, contaminating everything and everyone in their path. The point of this PPE device is to block any of those germs from spreading onto various surfaces and individuals. So, are Sneeze Guards effective against COVID-19?

Our Experiment.

We set up an experiment using UV reactive dye to simulate sneezes in a bar setting. Thus, illustrating the difference between an unprotected and protected bar using one of Goff’s hanging Personal Safety Partitions. As shown in the illustration, the left side of the bar counter has no protection at all, leaving work surfaces, the bartender, and the customers exposed to any airborne germs. However, the right side of the counter has one of our flexible, clear PVC partitions hanging over the bar top. This provides a shield for these airborne germs protecting the guests, employees, and all the working surfaces. After spraying both sides with the reactive dye, we used the UV light to expose the results.


Our Experiment.

We set up an experiment using UV reactive dye to simulate sneezes in a bar setting.

As shown in the illustration below, the left side of the bar counter has no protection at all, leaving work surfaces, the bartender, and the customers exposed to any airborne germs. The right side of the counter has one of our flexible, clear PVC partitions hanging over the bar top. This provides a shield against airborne germs protecting the guests, employees, and all the working surfaces. After spraying both sides with the reactive dye, we used UV light to expose the results….


The Results.


Unprotected Bar Counter

In this image, where there was no partition for protection, the sneeze simulation coated the bar surface. It reached all the way to the floor behind the bar, thoroughly infecting the glasses for other customers and work surface.

Protected by Hanging Partition

On the right, our hanging partition captured a majority of the contaminants, with only minimal spray gathering at the edge of the counter. Leaving the floor behind the bar, glasses, and working surfaces protected, proving sneeze guards are effective.

The hanging partition did exactly what it was designed to do and acted as a shield for the sneeze. It prevented the spread of airborne contaminants in this bar, improving the safety and comfort for guests and employees. With just a few simple wipes using isopropyl alcohol, this partition can be quickly and easily sanitized for the next user. So, are sneeze guards effective? Definitely. Check out the full video of the experiment here.

After seeing the results of the experiment, where would you feel more comfortable?

Goff’s Personal Safety Partitions can be used in many different applications to separate close contact areas, ultimately keeping all individuals and necessary surfaces in your facility safe and contaminant free.

We Can Help!

Goff’s has been in the business of successfully separating environments for 30 years. Bring comfort, safety, and normalcy in a time of uncertainty to your employees and customers with our help. Goff’s caring, knowledgeable and experienced staff is ready to assist you with any questions you may have. Submit a quote if you have a custom application or shop now to outfit your space right away.

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