When incorporating vinyl doors into your facility, you are most-likely looking to increase efficiency and speed of your day-to-day processes. While increasing efficiency and speed, safety becomes a top priority. Goff’s wants to make the most out of their high performance doors, so many great features come standard. But why not take it to the next level? Make sure your door stays working efficiently while your employees stay working safely.
Other companies have sensors that reverse the door when an impact happens. We believe that pre-notification of a potential impact is better than notification after an impact has occurred!
That being said, Goff’s now offers premium safety options that are compatible with all of Goff’s High Performance Doors. These features upgrade your Intelligent Control System powered Goff’s door to feature the following:

01. Innovative Smart Touch Screen
Increase safety with our easy-to-use Smart Touch Screen control system! This innovative system enables door activation at the touch of your finger while also displaying auto-close timer countdown. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find that the Smart Touch Screen monitors system safety status and fault codes. This helps to simplify maintenance to reduce downtime.
02. Two Motion/Presence Sensors
Sensors on both sides of the door that respond to motion or presence near the door. This minimizes opportunities for unwanted door closures or impact.

03. Two pairs of 42" Light Curtains
A pair of light curtains on both sides of the opening only allow the door to close if unobstructed. Then, resetting the auto-close timer each time its beam is broken.
04. Two Safety Strobes
Our safety strobes on both sides of the door begin flashing 5 seconds before and during door movement. Thus, providing an additional layer of pre-warning.

When properly set up, the premium safety options provide the ultimate safety solution. They prevents any sort of impact with the door at your facility. As a result, increasing plant safety while reducing downtime and liability with every cycle. Level up your safety on your high performance vinyl doors and include this comprehensive safety package on your next purchase.
Upgrade your next door project!
Whether you’d like us to fly out and present to your team, or call to chat about your existing door projects, click below to get in touch with your local Goff’s representative to learn more about our premium safety package.